Our fav Acting Gals, laced in designer threads and draped in jewels, hit the red carpet in Hollywood Sunday night for the 2012 Academy Awards. Neutral colors and long sleeve dresses took center stage, gracefully form fitting Actress Kristen Wiig in J. Mendel (left) and Shailene Woodley in Valentino (right) .
Others left little to the imagination; Actress/Singer Jennifer Lopez’s left areola made an appearance through her Zuhair Murad gown while presenting the award for “Best Costume Designs & Make-up” alongside Cameron Diaz. Though quick and subtle, the “wardrobe malfunction” spread through the media like wild fire. J. Lo’s stylist Rob Zangardi, who personally tucked her into the designer gown, told Tmz.com, he and fellow stylist Mariel Haenn informed Jennifer about the buzz surrounding her areola during the outfit change--she simply laughed it off. Lopez assured the team she was so tightly packed into her dress, there was no possible way a nip could've slipped. Zanardi says it was the shadow from the lighting giving an illusion of a sneak peak.
Some dresses made you say “O’ We Love That” while others made us wish you were that close friend alongside our “Celeb Pal” at the fitting to say, “No Honey, Try Again!”